My number 1 priority is to provide you with money saving deals, tips, and personal testimonies on how to live a simpler lifestyle.
Today it seems that many bloggers can make enough money to support the fees of running the site. This site is a baby, but even with that in mind the number of page views and users is amazing for only be around a month.
With that said, some deals will involve products or services sold by merchants that have affiliate programs. If I find a product or service, which I believe is a “great deal,” I have no issue referring you to the product or service with an affiliate link.
Sometimes I will receive reward points, free samples, or some other incentive. Whether you use the link or buy the product is entirely up to you. This comes at no cost to you but could help support the cost of running the site. The views expressed on this blog are my own.
Any product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in questions. When advertising and providing links to other sites, we do not guarantee, approve, or endorse the information/products available at these sites. The Frugal Farm Girl makes no warranty or guarantee regarding the quality, usability, morality, or legality of any of the items listed.
If you have any further questions please contact me.