Are you looking for a new vegetable to grow in your garden this fall?
Fall is the perfect time of year to plant vegetables. It’s not too hot or cold, and it’s just before winter, so there are fewer pests around. Plus, with all the rain we get in the fall, your plants will be well-watered and healthy!
We have great suggestions for what vegetables you should try growing this season. Let me know what veggies you have grown in the past during the cooler months.
You can start by planting carrots – they love cool weather! Or maybe try kale – it has an incredible flavor when harvested at the right time.
And if you want something sweet and delicious, go ahead and plant some pumpkins! They taste excellent when roasted on a fire pit on Halloween night.
There are so many beautiful options out there that we know you’ll find one that fits perfectly into your garden plan this year!
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Even though beets grow just fine during the warmer weather, they do even better in the cooler, moist conditions. Therefore, when you plant beets in the fall, you can expect better-sized beets and less top growth.
Plus, once harvested, you can store them for up to 6 months – that means you won’t have to worry about running out of fresh beets at your dinner table.
If you live somewhere with a mild winter, broccoli is a great fall crop because it can grow in both cool and warm conditions. Like beets, broccoli grows best when the weather is cooler.
Plus, it’s packed with Vitamin C, which will help protect you from colds once the colder months begin.
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts grow like crazy in the fall because they love cool weather. Plus, if you plant them around Halloween, they’ll be ready to harvest when it’s almost Thanksgiving!
You can cook them with butter and salt for a delicious side dish your family will love. My kids are really into Brussels sprouts and love watching them grow in the garden. Keep an eye out for pests with these ones if you let them sit too long.
Cabbage grows well during the fall months because it loves cool weather. Like broccoli, cabbage is packed with Vitamin C, which will help keep you healthy as winter approaches.
When you plant cabbage around Halloween and harvesting them before Christmas ensures that you’ll have a steady supply of fresh vegetables in your kitchen all winter long!
Carrots are great fall vegetables because they grow well during cool, moist conditions. They’re also packed with antioxidants and other nutrients to keep you healthy as winter approaches.
When planted right before Halloween, carrots will be ready to harvest in the early months of winter – making them a perfect addition to your holiday dinner table!
Cauliflower is another cool-weather vegetable that does particularly well in the fall. Like broccoli, cauliflower’s Vitamin C content will help keep you healthy during winter, and its compact structure makes it easy to harvest.
Because celery loves cool weather and moist conditions, growing it in your garden in the fall will give you the healthiest and most delicious celery you’ve ever tasted.
Collards do well during the fall months because they love cool weather. They also grow particularly well after a frost, so if you live somewhere with cold winters, you can harvest them all winter!
Cucumbers do well during the fall, but they’re so easy to grow you can plant them anytime! Like other warm-weather plants, cucumbers thrive when planted in the early summer heat.
Eggplants are another warm-weather plant that does well when planted on your summertime garden schedule. If you live somewhere with a mild winter, eggplants will do just fine throughout the winter and grow to be much sweeter.
Kale is another vegetable that pops in the fall season. Like broccoli and cauliflower, kale contains Vitamin C and other nutrients that will help you stay healthy as winter approaches.
Leeks grow like crazy during fall because they love cool, moist weather. So if you’re looking for a vegetable to give your salads and soups some oomph this winter, leeks are a perfect choice!
Lettuce is another fall vegetable that grows well during cool, moist conditions – and it doesn’t take too long to grow either. You can plant lettuce seeds in your spring garden and harvest them before summer.
Onions grow well during the fall season because they love cool weather. Onions are also packed with nutrients that will keep you happy and healthy throughout winter.
Planting onions around Halloween ensures a fresh supply of delicious onions for your kitchen throughout winter!
Peas can be planted at any time of year but grow best when it’s cool out. So planting them around Halloween ensures you’ll have fresh peas to add to your holiday meals all winter!
Potatoes are another great fall crop. They like moist conditions and cooler weather, so planting them in the fall will give you nice big potatoes to harvest before summer even begins.
Radishes are another cool-weather crop that does well in the fall and winter months. They’re also packed with Vitamin C and other nutrients that will help keep you healthy as winter approaches!
Spinach is another cool-weather vegetable, although it grows best in slightly cooler temperatures than lettuce. Plant spinach in the fall for an endless supply of fresh, nutritious greens for your winter meals!
Swiss Chard
Swiss Chard is another vegetable that will grow great all year long. It requires more sunlight than lettuce or spinach, but it still loves cool weather and moist soil conditions – making it a perfect crop for the fall garden.
Turnips are another cool-weather vegetable you can plant in the fall that will keep your dinner table well-stocked all winter long! Like most root vegetables, turnips grow best in moist soil conditions and cooler temperatures.
Watermelons thrive when planted in the summer but will also grow well throughout the fall. Just ensure you get them started early enough so they have time to mature before winter comes around!
Winter Squash
Squash is another vegetable that will come back into harvest during the cool fall months and store for a long time in storage! Winter squashes like butternut and acorn are excellent choices. Make sure you harvest them before the first frost comes around!
So there you have it, 22 vegetables that will grow for your fall garden. If you plant these vegetables in October or November, they’ll be ready to pick throughout the winter season and into early spring!
I hope this article has given you some good ideas for vegetables to try growing in the fall. If not, we have an entire section dedicated to gardening that can help! Also, feel free to reach out if you need any more tips or advice on how to keep your garden flourishing all season long.
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