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Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Mornings can be hectic, especially when preparing the kids for school. But breakfast doesn’t have to be a stressful affair. With some planning and creativity, you can whip up quick, cheap, and healthy make-ahead breakfasts that will fuel your children for a productive day ahead.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

In this blog post, we’ll explore some delicious recipes that can be made ahead or put together quickly in the morning. Let’s dive in and make mornings easier!

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Overnight Oats

One of the easiest and most versatile breakfast options is overnight oats. Simply combine rolled oats, milk (dairy or plant-based), and your choice of toppings, such as fruits, nuts, and seeds, in a jar.

Leave it in the fridge overnight, and in the morning, you’ll have a nutritious and ready-to-eat breakfast. For added excitement, experiment with flavors like mixed berries, peanut butter, or chocolate banana.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast Burrito

Make-ahead breakfast burritos are a delicious and portable option for busy mornings. Cook scrambled eggs, sautéed vegetables, and your choice of protein (such as cooked bacon or sausage crumbles) and assemble them in tortillas.

Wrap them individually in foil and freeze. Heat them in the microwave or oven for a speedy and satisfying breakfast.

We’ve been using the low-carb ones from Aldi that keep us feeling fuller longer!

smoothie packs

Smoothie Packs

Meal prep smoothie packs by portioning out measured ingredients into freezer bags or containers. Include a mix of fruits, spinach or kale, yogurt or milk, and any additional add-ins such as chia seeds or nut butter.

In the morning, toss the pack’s contents into a blender, add liquid, and blend until smooth. It’s an easy way to pack essential nutrients and create endless flavor combinations.

granola bars

Homemade Oatmeal Bars

Store-bought granola bars can be expensive and often contain additives. Instead, make your own at home!

Combine oats, honey or maple syrup, nut butter, and mix-ins like dried fruits, nuts, or chocolate chips. Press the mixture into a baking dish, refrigerate until firm, and cut into bars.

These homemade granola bars are cheaper and customizable to suit your family’s preferences.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Yogurt Parfait

A yogurt parfait is a quick and nutritious breakfast that can be assembled in minutes. Layer Greek yogurt with fresh fruits, granola, and a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon.

You can also add a dollop of nut butter for an extra protein boost. It’s a refreshing and energizing way to start the day.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

White Whole Wheat Pancakes

Use white whole wheat flour in your favorite pancake recipe to create a healthier version. Make a large batch of pancakes and freeze them individually with parchment paper in between.

Pop them in the toaster or microwave for a quick and nutritious breakfast option.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Egg Muffins

Whip up a savory breakfast option by making mini quiche egg muffins. Beat eggs with milk, cheese, and your desired fillings, such as spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers, or bacon.

Pour the mixture into greased muffin tins and bake until golden brown. These can be refrigerated or frozen and reheated when needed.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Baked Oatmeal Cups

Prepare a batch of baked oatmeal cups by combining oats, milk, eggs, sweetener, and mix-ins like berries, nuts, or chocolate chips. Pour the mixture into muffin tins and bake until set.

Once cooled, store them in the fridge or freezer, and reheat them in the morning for a healthy breakfast on the go.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Energy Balls

Combine rolled oats, nut butter, honey or maple syrup, and mix-ins such as dried fruits, nuts, seeds, or chocolate chips.

Roll the mixture into small balls and refrigerate or freeze. These energy balls make a convenient and energizing breakfast or snack.

My favorite recipe is this one.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast Quinoa Salad

Cook quinoa according to package instructions and let it cool. Mix it with diced avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese, and a drizzle of lemon vinaigrette. Divide into individual containers for a refreshing and protein-packed breakfast option.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

French Casserole

Try a savory French casserole called “Croque Madame Casserole.” It includes layers of ham, cheese, and bread soaked in a creamy egg mixture. Prepare it the night before and bake it for a satisfying breakfast.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Banana Muffins

Make a batch of healthy banana muffins using whole wheat flour, ripe bananas, and your choice of add-ins like nuts or chocolate chips. These muffins can be baked in advance and stored in an airtight container for quick grab-and-go breakfasts.

Try this Banana bread recipe too!

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Overnight Steel-Cut Oats

In a slow cooker or instant pot, combine steel-cut oats, liquid (such as water or milk), and any desired mix-ins like fruits, nuts, or spices. Let it cook overnight, and wake up to a warm and nourishing bowl of oatmeal ready to be enjoyed.

Check out this recipe for blueberry baked oatmeal.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast Sandwiches

Assemble breakfast sandwiches using whole wheat English muffins or bagels, eggs, cheese, and your choice of protein (such as turkey bacon or vegetarian options). Wrap them individually in foil or plastic wrap, and store them in the fridge or freezer. Reheat in the morning for a hearty and portable breakfast.

Quick, Cheap, and Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Overnight Chia Pudding Parfait

Layer chia seed pudding with Greek yogurt and a variety of fresh fruits in a jar or container. Leave it in the fridge overnight, and in the morning, you’ll have a delicious and nutritious parfait ready to enjoy.

These make-ahead breakfast ideas offer convenience, variety, and nutrition to start the day off right!

Busy Mornings

Here are three tips for helping parents with kids during a busy school morning:

  1. Plan Ahead: Plan as much as possible the night before. This can include preparing lunches, selecting outfits, and packing backpacks. By doing these tasks ahead of time, it saves precious minutes in the morning and reduces stress.
  2. Set a Morning Routine: Establishing a consistent morning routine can help streamline the process and make it easier for parents and children. Create a timetable or checklist that outlines specific tasks and the order in which they should be completed.
  3. Wake Up Earlier: Try waking up a little earlier than your children to have some quiet time to prepare. This allows you to start the day feeling more prepared and less rushed. Additionally, waking up earlier also allows parents to be in a better mood when waking up their kids.

Busy school mornings don’t have to mean compromising on a healthy and satisfying breakfast. With these quick and easy make-ahead breakfast recipes, you can ensure your kids start their day with the fuel they need for success—no more excuses to skip breakfast.

Remember to plan ahead, utilize make-ahead options, and get creative with ingredients. Breakfast time can become a stress-free and enjoyable part of your morning routine!

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