I’ve been gardening for years, and I’m sharing my tips on choosing the best containers for your garden. The type of container you use will make a huge difference in what you grow.
Here are some things to think about when picking out a container:
-Do you want something with drainage?
-Is it going to be outside or inside? -Do you want special features like handles, built-in saucers, etc.? -What size do you need?
There are so many choices! And that’s just the beginning. You’ll also need to think about the material (pottery, plastic, metal). Do they have holes for water drainage or not? Is it expensive or cheap?
The following blog post will help you narrow down your choices by providing some helpful tips on what makes a suitable container and highlighting some of the best containers on the market.
Whether you’re looking for something big or small, colorful or neutral, we’ve covered you!
If you’re looking for the best containers for your garden, this article teaches you how to choose them.
Wood Containers
If you’re planning to grow a perennial plant, like a large herb bush, you might want to choose a large wooden container.
Wood is beautiful for use in growing plants that will continue growing for more than one season and plants that you intend to grow outdoors in a conspicuous location.
Wooden containers are best for larger plants and use in noticeable areas of your yard. Unfortunately, wooden pots are generally one of the most expensive types of containers. Wooden pots may be costly, but they’re usually highly durable.
Here are a few of my favorites from Tractor Supply.
Be sure to get one treated on the outside, but not on the inside. If you get a pot treated on the inside, you might end up with dangerous chemicals being leeched into the soil and making their way into your plants. This can damage the plants and make you sick if you eat them.
Plastic Containers
Plastic pots are probably the most widely used pot for container gardening. This is mainly because plastic pots are generally the cheapest. But cheaper isn’t always better.
Here are some of my favorites on Amazon.
If you only plan to attempt container gardening for one year, then plastic may be an excellent option. But if you think you might want to have a container garden next year, you might want to stick with something more durable.
You could be tempted to think that plastic pots are durable because they’re harder or thicker than other ones, but that’s not necessarily true.
If plastic is left outdoors in the elements for too long, it can start to warp and crack. Cracked pots are of little use for anything!
You can check out the post of my favorite pots I use from Tractor Supply here.
Terra Cotta
Terra cotta clay pots are the second most economical type of container. Again, they’re pretty cheap, but they are very delicate and break quite easily. They also don’t stand up very well to freezing temperatures, so you shouldn’t leave them out during the winter.
Fired Ceramic
Fired ceramic pots are a pretty good choice. They can be a bit delicate, but many are pretty durable. They’re usually glazed on the outside for appearance but are left unglazed on the inside. This is good since the glaze can damage plants if leeches into the soil.
You can also make your containers by using things you find around the house. Most cheap plastic containers can work if they’re large enough for whatever you want to grow, as long as you cut drainage holes in the bottom.
Some good examples you can try are milk jugs, and soda bottles with the tops cut off and holes cut in the bottom, empty margarine tubs, trash cans with holes cut in the bottom, and large plastic tubs with drainage holes drilled.
Follow my Frugal Gardening Pinterest board for more ideas!
Some people even use bags of soil as their containers, simply cutting a hole in the side of a bag of dirt lying on its side and sowing seeds directly into the exposed ground! You don’t have to use standard purchased containers.
You can use almost any container for growing plants as long as it is safe and allows the plants adequate drainage.
Check out how to use what you have in your home for seeds here.
Now that you know about the different types of containers and their benefits, it’s time to decide which type is best for your garden. Consider the plants you want to grow, the climate in your area, and how much time you want to spend gardening when making your decision.
With so many options available, there’s sure to be a perfect container for your needs. So get started today, and soon you’ll be enjoying homegrown vegetables, flowers, or herbs!
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