Are you a blogger? Are you thinking about starting a blog? Either way, I hope this income report inspires/encourages you to continue on the path of success. Maybe you are here just curious as to how one can make money from a blog?
It’s okay I love income reports too. It’s what drove me to keep going and what drives me in some ways to keep going.
That is, as long as you don’t put your comparison suit on and are constantly going to the right source for blogging.
I have read so many blogging income reports and all the ways to make money from your blog. I have been blogging for three years and feel like I have learned so much and can constantly be learning more.
What I don’t like- is all the classes now people offer to teach you how to blog and make money for your blog at insanely high prices.
Honestly- if you need resources just keep googling. There are many FREE resources. Blogging is the one business I love because you don’t need to go into debt for it.
If you are thinking about starting a blog, this tutorial will help you get your blog up and running step by step. You will also score a FREE domain for a year. I currently make a full-time income working part-time hours by having this blog and my other blog. I am so glad I took a chance and went for it.
Sure it may be overwhelming but use your sense of judgment. You know your goals and what you want to do so apply the articles that fit.
Don’t spend thousands of dollars on a class if you can’t afford it. If you have a bunch of money saved away then do it.
Why Share My Income
I have been praying about this for months. I couldn’t find a peace until- I made my first sale here on The Frugal Farm Girl. I knew that was it.
Let’s learn together. I thought about sharing my income from MyBJsWholesale but it doesn’t seem as relevant. As I start this blog and it’s a completely new niche to me I realized I want to share with you the honest straight up way a stay at home mom of two, with farm animals, a husband and more can do it.
My phrase- Taking small steps toward a greater victory.
I want to see progression on this blog. This blog is a journey of us starting a farm and being able to do so because we only have a mortgage to pay- which we are aggressively paying off. In that journey, while I have a money making deal/coupon blog I want to see if everything I read about lifestyle blogs and starting a blog from scratch is true.
Plus Blogging is hard work. Whether you want to do it as a business or a hobby. It requires blood, sweat, and tears. Much like farming/homesteading. The learning curve is huge in this area. Tracking my progress each month will allow me to never stop learning.
I made a bunch of mistakes with my very first coupon blog. Yet, I have never given up. Many times I wanted to but drive, determination, and faith push me forward.
You can join me in this blogging world. I have a Complete Beginner’s Guide to Starting A Blog that you may want to check out. I will say I earn a full-time income on my deal blog working 15-20 hours a week!
Currently, on this blog, I spend about 5-10 hours a week. Which is why progress is slow, in a way. I am also extremely proud of my numbers and stats for spending so little time on this blog. When I spend more than 5 hours it’s up late at night working or working on a Saturday when my husband is home. I spend a very high amount of my time working on my blogs and reading how to improve them.
By sharing my income report someone else may learn something and try something they wouldn’t have thought of before. The blogging world is pretty generous when it comes to helping other bloggers out. I think many of us are still in shock that we are truly making money from home doing what we love.
Let’s Talk Pageviews
Traffic- do you have to have huge traffics numbers to make money blogging? I sure don’t. I don’t believe you have to have HUGE numbers to make an income from blogging. I think you need great SEO and a community who supports you.
Here are the page views I received for February 2016. ( I started this blog October 2016)
Monthly Pageviews– 5,955 (EXTREMELY EXCITED! My goal was to hit over 4,000! )
Sessions-4,293- I care more about sessions than page views. My goal is to reach 25,000 sessions a month by the end of 2017 so I can apply for MediaVine Ads.
Most Viewed Posts in The Past Month:
- 6 Little Known Ways to Save Money That Will Change Your Life – This is my number one viewed post since I started the blog and the one that helped boost my traffic.
- How We are Living on a $100 a Month During our Spending Freeze
- 7 Simple Ways Anyone Can Make Money on Facebook–
- Why We Choose to Free Range Our Chickens Even After Racoon Attack
- 5 Ways Frugal Farm Girls Start Seeds Indoors
Where Does My Traffic Come From?
Below are in order of the highest referrer of traffic to my blog.
- Stumbleupon
- Direct ( Meaning they typed in – this is my FAVORITE!)
- Referal
- Organic Search
Here’s My March Blogging Income Report – Won’t take ya long 😉
I am signed up with a bunch of affiliates but only listing ones I made any income from this month.
Shareasale: $45.00 ( I did make money from this last month but won’t receive a check until I reach a $100 threshold)
RealPlans: $16.50
Ibotta– $75
Ebates– $75
BJ’s Refer a Friend– $100
Hulu– $20 plus 2 weeks free for my personal subscription ( Sign up to get 30 days free!)
Adsense– $6.50- Now I must say my first coupon/deal blog was getting close to 10,000 page views before I ended it and I was using Adsense and making much better money. But I had put an ad before the post and at the end. That seemed to work well. I’m not in a goal right now of blasting my content with ads because this site is about the content more than just a deal! I’ll work on my Adsense game this coming month and see if I can move some ads around to increase it.
*Update I added an ad before the post. Apparently, it didn’t make a difference!
Total Income for the month: $338 ! That’s up from last month. This blog has been up and running since Oct. 3rd, 2016. Although the month of October I think I published four posts total! Slowly I am trying to add two posts a week. It’s a challenge because I have my other blog.
Yet, I am incredibly thankful for that amount. For a few hours put into it and writing and sharing what I love and feel God has laid on my heart to share with you is just a huge blessing.
Expenses: Boardbooster: $10
May Goals:
- To get 6,000 page views
- To increase my income- even if it’s just a $1
- Work on changing the placement of Google Ads
Find 5 Places I want to submit guest work too. I am hesitant on doing this because in the past on my first coupon blog I had a post shared on I am That Lady and people were commenting saying “Lauren what a great article” Although it drove a good amount of traffic the day it was shared, more people didn’t realize it was me- Tasia who wrote the post. As a writer at heart, that stinks. So I am looking for guest posts to share something I have already written because I don’t think you should give another platform your very best piece.- I decided to not guest post at the time. Instead, I am driving more traffic from my other blog. This Momma just doesn’t have the time right now.
- Have 2 Articles Published a Week-
- Increase Pinterest Followers to 7k.
What Worked:
- Tailwind Tribes increased traffic as well as Stumbleupon.
- Promoting articles on my other blog and social media
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