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12 Things You Can Do Now After Losing Your Job

My first job at 16 was working at a very small newspaper company in Vermont. I was a telemarketer calling people to subscribe to the newspaper. I didn’t care because even at 16 I wanted to be a journalist. If that is how I would get a newspaper on my resume so be it.

It didn’t work long. I had major issues with self-doubt and also with bosses who had no idea how to run a business. So I quit. ( Now I am my Own Boss!)
Started working at Dunkin Donuts. We moved around a bit, and in every new place, I would find the local Dunkin Donuts and work there.
When I started college, I switched from DD to Starbucks and upgraded as the store manager.
It felt like the Journalism degree was staring at me whenever I greeted a customer at the register.
The question that always plagues us is, “What’s the point?”

Are  You Searching Instead of Seeking?

So I continued to search instead of seeking our Lord. Plain and simple. I didn’t pray before I made a decision. I asked everyone else instead of asking God what I should do with my life.
I can’t even remember how many interviews I went to looking for my grown-up job. A job my journalism degree would be proud of.
I was pregnant when I landed a job that looked good on paper.
Pregnancy had me thinking I wasn’t meant to have a career. That desire wasn’t God’s desire.
Our finances said on paper that it would be impossible for me not to work and stay home with our baby. I just graduated from college; my husband had student loans, and we both had car loans and credit card bills.
It was while I was on maternity leave I received a phone call explaining my position had been eliminated. They offered me a new position with a higher workload for less money. I couldn’t take it. As much as I wanted any money at all, the Lord told me to decline.
It was a very low moment in my life for me.
I lived 12 hours away from my mom and it just about crushed me to think I would do this on my own. I just graduated from college and all my friends were moving away.
I didn’t have that friend who I felt confident was there for me. I met some amazing women at my grown-up job who gave me all the mommy stories and were my support group. Yet they were all moving on, and I was being laid off.
My best friend since 1st grade lived 12 hours away, and my husband’s family was an hour away.
I felt, lonely, not good enough, and so very unworthy. I questioned why God had me home like this. 
Yet, God had a plan. Today I am long gone from that girl who the enemy easily destroyed.
It’s in my nature to rise above and compete. I have a perseverance that I never really realized until I reached my definition of success as a blogger. Let just say that my definition of success had to twist and turn so my eyes could see what God says is successful. 
You too can rise above and compete. You too have a plan ahead of you that is always better than where you are at right now.
It is so incredibly hard to see that our trials are for a purpose when we are in the midst of the storm, especially harder when we haven’t talked with Jesus and put in an effort into that relationship.
Six years later, I’m living out in the country, starting a farm, a dream of mine.  I run my own business and make a full-time income working only 3 hours a day! I didn’t give up. I stayed obedient. It was a challenge for sure but one I am so very thankful for. 

10 Things I did When I was Laid off from Maternity Leave

mom crying from loosing job tips to help you through


1. I cried

I had just to let it all out the pain, confusion, hurt, fear. And breathe.
From Psalm 92:
“For You Have made me rejoice, Lord, by what you have done, I will shout for joy because of the works of your hands.”

2. I remember when one door closes, another door opens

Many of us agree this saying can cause our eyes to roll. If you breathe for a minute and believe there is a plan for you, something better will speak life into your soul.

3. I told myself that I was good enough

I didn’t need to find my self-worth in a paid job.  I kept repeating this. 
In Shauna Niequests bible study Present Over Perfect, she says, “The only way through the emptiness is stillness: starting at that deep wound unflinchingly. You can’t outrun anything. I’ve tried. All you can do is show up in the stillness.”

the ultimate budget planner

4. I made a budget

We had to figure out how this would work on one income. We didn’t know how much money we were spending and had to figure this out.  We followed Dave Ramsey and started giving every dollar a name. ( For a limited time, get a 14 day trail to Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace here.)
If you are new to budgeting check out my ultimate guide to budgeting article and then grab the digital planner! 
Check out this scripture from Luke 14:28-32
“Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you’re going to look pretty foolish.”

5. Best Use of Unemployment Checks

I made the best use of my unemployment and attended my meetings. It was a blessing to receive unemployment for the short time we did. During the weeks I was receiving it I could plan how we would make ends meet.
I also had to struggle through the self-worth in this. I found it humiliating to go to an unemployment center as a college graduate. There was a whole bit of self-development going on here.
“There is an abundant need in this world for your exact brand of beautiful.” Lysa TerKeurst


6. I got very Resourceful

I researched how to make EVERYTHING I could from scratch because it was so much easier. I made all homemade bread, rolls, and biscuits for over 2 years. I cut out as much processed food as possible. My husband has type 1 diabetes, so we were on the path of eating healthier this gave us that extra push.
I looked up everything Frugal Living on Pinterest.
 Are you an online shopper? Join our Online Deals FB Group with 1,100 members and growing! 

how to eat healthier on a budget

7. We didn’t go out to eat

This is such a big expense so many people don’t realize. Cooking from scratch gives your taste buds a wake-up call. You’ll start to taste the over-salted frozen foods when you choose to eat out. Many times you can make meals that taste better for less at home. You need to change your mindset. If you hate cooking, figure out why that is.
Is it because you think you can’t cook? Try again.
If you can read and follow directions you can cook. This may be temporary but worth it.

8. I dressed up every day like I was going to work and put makeup on

This makes a difference and boosts your self-esteem. I knew the days I felt like I could pamper myself because I deserved it, I felt much better. It’s not silly to go ahead and try it.

12 Things You Can Do Now After Losing Your Job

9. My husband got a work van, and we sold one of our cars, so we only had one

You know the drill one less car, less money. When your spouse has a company vehicle, it is a huge blessing. This was so needed because my husband drives 45 mins to an hour every workday EACH way.
That gas adds up. When he is home, we can use the one car we have together. When we both needed to go somewhere, we had to communicate and work out a schedule. It was TOTALLY worth it.
how to coupon without being extreme

10. I couponed like crazy

For Real. To the extreme and got our grocery budget down to $25 a week when it was the two of us. That included toiletries and personal care items too!  Today I can still keep that grocery budget to $45-$60  a week for a family of four. ( My kids eat way more today)
Learn how to start extreme couponing here. 

11. I prayed and prayed

Sometimes the hardest times are when you become incredibly close to the Lord. Right after my brother was ill, I longed for that daily desperation to chat with God. I know now that I can still have a deep real personal relationship with Jesus, even when my life is not falling apart.
A great book to create a powerful prayer journey is “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer.

12 Things You Can Do Now After Losing Your Job

12. I didn’t care about maintaining a certain lifestyle

That means I didn’t need to get an upgrade or a new phone. I didn’t need to run out and see a brand-new movie. I didn’t need a brand-new car; we didn’t need a bigger house because our family was growing. We kept it simple.
I didn’t get a smartphone until a couple of years ago, AND the reason for it was to expand my business. Otherwise, there wasn’t a person need to have a smartphone. Stop and think for a humble minute about how many things you don’t need that are surrounding you right now. 
Living on a budget and cooking all your meals can seem boring to many at first. Don’t let our culture decide for you. You can get creative thanks to so many amazing articles on Pinterest.
This routine lifestyle doesn’t have to be forever. You can plow through this season, knowing the next season will be even greater.
When we stop looking to satisfy our desires and start looking to meet our family’s desires, the world shifts in a new light.
We realize that the urge to surround ourselves with stuff, people, or insert your own diminishes because it doesn’t bring us closer to the whole point of this life.

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Widny Lherisson

Friday 3rd of April 2020


I just wanted to say, reading this really blessed me. I am currently in a season where God is allowing me to be creative with my resources, and that everything I have now is enough to THRIVE!

Thank you for sharing your testimony. A blog that was written in 2017, is still relevant today and the future.

xoxo, Widster


Sunday 5th of April 2020

Thank you for sharing a peek at your situation. I love the word resources too. And that is exactly it, he is allowing us to be creative with what we already have.

Sophia Rosado

Monday 1st of October 2018

I sure needed rhis article...still shocked I lost my job. I am 50 it's so much harder. Lost my job on August 31st and I can't tell you how depressed I've been I've only been on one job interview and I've applied for hundreds of jobs I'm having somebody review my resume to see if there's something wrong with it I am in human resources and I thought my resume was perfect I know I need to pray more and I need to believe that God has a better plan but it's so hard when you have bills to pay my husband is the only one working and even though he makes good money we were just now getting to a point where we were able to save money to be able to retire after using all of my 401k and funds to help my son battle addiction we are also recovering from my husband being unemployed for several years just as I thought everything was going to be better I lost my job Sincerely Sophia


Monday 1st of October 2018

Hi Sophia, I am so sorry to hear about the struggles you and your family are currently going through. The good news is it sounds like you know Jesus, and isn't that the best news of all? Sometimes I am reminded through painful times, how this world is not our home. It's not going to be amazing or easy most of the time, we aren't home. I am happy to hear you are pursuing some of the reasons why you have only been on one interview. I say do not give up. The enemy wants us beat down not confident and fearful. It's one of his main streams of attack is fear. Think of the incredible story you will have to tell when you get to the other side when you continue to trust God is who he says he is and he indeed has a plan. Spend time in prayer and seek his direction. I'll be lifting you up in prayer this week on your journey. Keep being conscious of your money as well, and remember it won't be forever living on one income, keep pursuing don't give up :)


Sunday 1st of October 2017

This is a very inspiring and heart felt article. believe it was divinely ordered for me to see/read it. I am at a place in my life that kinda lacks purpose. My daughter is all grown up and I'm pondering pursuing a degree, home based business etc, and have been seeking God's direction, as so many things I tried while raising my daughter and caring for an sick Mother(now deceased) just blew up in my face. Ty for sharing your story I needed that:)


Monday 2nd of October 2017

HI Karla, your comment here and the article that you read is already a reminder for both of us and anyone else reading this right now, that God has a purpose. He loves you so much that he has all this connected in a way we just need to be willing to see. Your comment means so much to me, as I write things praying that it will inspire just one person and when that one person comes along and says yes me. I'm in awe. Know that I will be praying for you over the next several weeks Karla. Your name is in my book so I am reminded, but remember that your name is in Gods book and he doesn't need a reminder. You do have a purpose and you will find it. Trust, believe and keep on praying!

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