Are you wondering how to live a debt-free life? Maybe your debt management plan is failing you. Do people really pay off debt with young kids? Here is our story of how we paid off our college loans, car loans, and credit card bills while starting our family, layoffs and more.
If you are on Tiktok follow me for all my tips and tricks to living debt free.
If you and your partner aren’t on the same terms, the journey will be much harder. Strive to get on the same page. Decide together you want to get rid of debt.
If you want to get serious about living a debt free life you have to be all in- and all in until the job is complete.
When people start to look at you and think you’re odd, that’s when Dave Ramsey says you are on the right path. If you could take a glimpse into your future and see that in just three years you would be debt free how would you feel? How would you feel about that Disney trip you waited to take and paid for in cash?
Thanks for sharing your journey! Debt is such a burden and I’m glad you’re honest in your blog how it wasn’t an easy journey.
Hi Amanda! It truly is. I’m glad you stopped by and appreciate your words. Not an easy journey but a rewarding one for sure 🙂
My husband and I are going thru same journey. Just today an older lady totally judged me at the grocery store, she even said ” You must have a big family” because I was buying two full cards. We have a strict meal plan and the closest grocery store is 2 hours away from our home….I buy so it will last a full month. Mind it, I only go once a month because that’s all what we can afford and budget for. This way we don’t overspent and if we have a week worth of just pasta and mashed potatoes well…it is what it is. However, we have been paying off a big bills like my student loan last year and this year already two credits cards. That’s why when I get weird looks at the store I don’t react….because we want to be with our children, we want the DisneyLand trip….but only debt free.
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so uplifting on days like today.
Anna, so glad you stopped by. Meal planning makes such a difference, doesn’t it? I hear ya on the week of pasta, if you know it’s temporary it is worth it. There is nothing wrong with skimping by for a period of time to reach an end goal. Keep doing what you are doing, it’s quite a journey but boy is it going to be worth it. The strength you gain, wisdom, so much to learn from. Praying for you on the journey and that you continue to follow your calling!
This is an Awesome story and Testimony and I Ty for sharing. One of the ways I am learning to be frugal is buying a meat plan at my local supermarket as was suggested by a friend. Its just my self so it will usually last me a month and a half.
That is a smart idea! Meat can be the biggest budget breaker when it comes to groceries!
I really loved your story! My husband is very reasonable and good with finances but me on the other hand, am terrible. I’ve paid off my huge student loans and worked 32 years in education. I am too free with my money. I buy whatever I want and now have bills to clear. Lots of shopping for years! Gonna start chiseling down my credit cards. I’ve paid them off twice before and overspent again. I have a pension n a large amount in my IRA. I need to get rid of my debt so I could feel free again and spend money now in my retirement with my husband enjoying our time together. Thank you for your story! Bod Bless You and your family !
Thank you for sharing a peek into your story Linda. It really takes discipline to just step back from spending. I love shopping so much too. I think that is a great idea to get those credit card bills lower. And to avoid the temptation of spending. Blessings to you and your family and strength to say no to shopping for a time period 🙂
thanks for sharing your journey! I am so encouraged. We just have my student loans to pay off, and we don’t own a house yet. But you’ve encouraged me that it’s possible. 🙂
Oh June, be encouraged because you can do it. You just have to believe you can. 🙂
Your journey is a beautiful story and reading your blog showed me how I should open up and share my story. I started my debt free journey back in 2014. It’s been a crazy five years and I have accomplished a lot. I started with $19000 of debt. I didn’t know where to start. I was angry I couldn’t spend time with my friends, mad I couldn’t stay home with my son. I missed on my sons first year of life because my ex left me. I was stressed to the max. I had to work two jobs. It’s a long story but your more than welcome to check out my page for more details. Now here we are 4-15-2019 and I have $7000 left to pay towards my car. I am buying a home this year hopefully by the end of this month or middle of next month. I been posting ads online through Craigslist to try to get others in a better place. I wish I would have known how great it feels to be on this side of the tracks. It was not easy there’s a lot you don’t know. But it was a long road it truly does test your faith with God. I questioned him so much. And there’s was times where I just didn’t even want to believe in him. But I know now without a doubt God has been leading me on this journey. I listen to Dave Ramsey on my way to work as I too travel 45min to work. It’s fun because some callers will call in and I will know how to answer the question just like Dave. I hope to be a financial coach and hopefully run a financial peace university course in my community. I don’t really know much about couponing. I have tried in the past to get into it. I even bought a binder and everything. I don’t know if you have this on another page. As this is my first post I am reading about you. I just started my blog. I hope you get a chance to check it out. How are you doing now?
Thank you so much for sharing your story. What is the url of your blog?
Love your journey. Mine is a little well different. After almost 25 years of marriage at the ripe old age of 50 my husband left me. Mind you I still had two in school, 1 in the Army, and one working. I had always loved to coupon and over the years managed to create an awesome stock pile. The kids and I lived off of this. I much like you cut cable. Cut all bills that we did not need or reduced them down. I decided to get a second job at McDonalds no shame in that. My other job is great however I too was not happy paying the man every time I got paid. I was off on Sunday PM and Wednesday’s we went to church. Started going to speak to the Pastor on my lunch 3 times a week. This was what kept me grounded. God is so good and I just love how during this time he just kept a hold of me and my kids. The story around what happened is really odd to say the least. However after about a year and a half D my husband came back. Not sure if this is God’s will but I know HE will show me what to do in HIS time not mine. When D came back he has no desire to pay his bills. Where we use to keep money together and pay bills we no longer do. He gives me very little. I know we will never be the way we use to be or maybe we will be apart. Only GOD knows! I never wrote all of this out before thanks for letting me vent.
Sara, goosebumps. I love how God brings people together online. Technology today. No matter how our world shifts and changes he is the same. Always managing to be with us near us no matter what. I love hearing how you knew God was with you, is with you. You are giving him the glory. That’s a beautiful thing. You are so right with HIS time not ours. And by you leaving this comment, you are helping me on my journey. As I contemplate should I bother sharing my own journey here on this blog, and it’s a reminder from God, yes. It’s all in HIS time not ours. Every time someone leaves such a heartfelt comment, I’m reminded of the love he has and how he knows exactly where we need to be.
You need to offer a class please for saving on everything
Thank you for sharing with such honesty and including your personal testimony. I too am a follower of Jesus and He is helping us get out of debt as well! He has led us through so many doors that has concluded to our dream of owning our farm and we are self employed thanks to His grace and favor. I’m also a stay at home mom to two girls and I have my own businesses on Etsy where I sell my art around the world. He is in sales for himself and we are completely reliant on His blessings. Bless you and your family, I’m so glad I found you years ago on Facebook, it’s rare to find a frugal, Christian mom who has similar interests as I do 💜💜